About Us


Fish and Travel is an online platform, that makes companies visible that are related to sport-fishing. We offer you the opportunity to communicate directly with your costumers without having to pay a returning fee. With us you can chose a communication package that best fits your company. With us you only have to pay a single fee per year and all the revenues are for yourself. It no longer costs a percentage of your revenues, the client information and the follow up is up to you!

Advantages of Fish and Travel?

1. We advertise every two months in all twelve angling magazines, with a total yearly reach of about four million publications.
2. We advertise on four leading angling platforms, through banners and blogs.
3. Promotion on Google and other search engines.
4. Advertising on social media, among others on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.
5. A monthly newsletter to around 50.000 e-mail addresses.
6. Promotion on three anglings shows per year.

What do we offer?

  • We offer three different communications packages, whereby you can chose on the basis of price, possibilities and taking care of everything. Next to that we also offer packages made to measure in case you are going to offer more than one accommodation.
  • Click HERE for the possibilities.

Why Fish&Travel?


Your announcement is not only visible in the Dutch language, but also on our International English website. Thousands of anglers from the Netherlands and foreign countries are able to get to know your company or your service.


The developers of Fish & Travel are working continuously to optimise the website and the announcements for search engines (SEO). With this it is not just the website that is found, but your announcement as well.


We advertise monthly in all Duct angling magazines with a reach of 4 million publications per year. The monthly news-letter is send to 50.000 people with a subscription. The website is promoted on all angling shows. Advertisements are placed on search engines and social media.

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